Math Ch-8 Linear equation in one variable


TopicTaught: Screening test.
                        Introduction to linear equation in one variable.


Topic Taught: Solving Linear Equations with Variables on one Side
Refer Below SSD resources.

1. Watch Video given in Link 1 based on Introduction to linear equation in one variable.
2. Watch Video given in Link 2 based on Solution of an equation.
3. Watch Video given in Link 3 based on solving linear equation.

Classwork: Ex 8.1

Solve the following:


Topic Taught: Application of linear equation.

1.Go through slide no 5 and 6 of PPT based on application of linear equation.



Solve Example 1,2 and 3 given on pg 108-109.


Topic Taught: Application of linear equation.

1.Go through slide no 5 and 6 of PPT based on application of linear equation.



Solve Example 4 and 5 given on pg 109 and Ex 8.2- Q9.


Topic Taught: Application of linear equation.

1.Go through slide no 5 and 6 of PPT based on application of linear equation.


Homework: Example 6 given on page 110 and Ex 8.2 Q12.
Hint for Q12: 
Assume the number of winners to be x and number of participants who did not win as (69-x) , 
now multiply the respective prize with number of participants and equate it to 3300. you will get the required unknowns.


Topic Taught: Solving Linear Equations with Variables on both Sides.

1.Watch all the Video and practice the question given in Link 4 (refer SSD) based on Solving Linear Equations with Variables on both Sides.

Classwork : Exercise 8.3 Q1 b,d,e.
Homework: Exercise 8.3 Q1 a and c.


Topic Taught: More application of Linear Equations.

1.Watch the Video given in Link 5  , Link 6 and  Link 7 based on word problem of linear equation in one variable.

2. Discussed and Explained  Q1 and Q2 of Ex. 8.4 .


Topic Taught: More application of Linear Equations.

1.Watch the Video given in Link 5  , Link 6 and  Link 7 based on word problem of linear equation in one variable.

2. Discussed and Explained  Q3, Q9 of Ex. 8.4 .


Topic Taught: More application of Linear Equations.(Age related sum)

1.Watch the Video given in Link 5  , Link 6 and  Link 7 based on word problem of linear equation in one variable.

2. Discussed and Explained  Q5 Q7 and Q8 of Ex. 8.4 .

Homework: Complete the Solved Examples 1,2 and 4 given on page no.112,113 and 114 of textbook


Topic Taught: More application of Linear Equations.(

1.Watch the Video given in Link 5  , Link 6 and  Link 7 based on word problem of linear equation in one variable.

2. Discussed and Explained  Q4 Q6 Q10 and Q11 of Ex. 8.4 .

Homework : Complete Worksheet Q1,2,3

28/07/20 , 29/07/20

Topic Taught: Solving Equations Reducible to Linear Form

1.Watch the Video given in Link 8 based on solving equations reducible to linear form
2. Refer to Link 9 and answer the practice question based Solving equations reducible to linear form.
3.Watch the Video given in Link 10 based Word Problem based on Linear Equations.

Classwork on 28/07/20 Ex 8.5 Q1- a,b  Q2, Q3

Homework on 28/09/20
Ex 8.5 Q1- c,d and Q4.

Classwork on 29/07/20

Ex 8.5 Q5,6,7

Homework: Ex 8.5 Q 8 , 9.

Complete Worksheet of Linear Equation in one variable and submit on betweenus by 05/08/20(Wednesday).

For Students who are not having textbook.

30/07/20 and 31/07/20
Discussion of doubts and workbook questions.
Refer the PPT attached in student resources on betweenus.

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