English VIII A and B Chapter 1 Where love is, God is

 Chapter 1. Where Love is, God is

Date: 5.04.21

Topics taught: Reading of the chapter and explanation.

Homework: Read the chapter.

Date: 6.04.21

Topics taught: Explanation through audio clip.

Date: 7.04.21

New words 







Discussion of textual exercise Q.1 and Q.2

Date: 12.04.21

Topics taught: Textual exercise and workbook discussion.

Answer key of textual exercise.

Textual Answers:

Q 1

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.






Martin is referred to as ‘he’ in the above extract.



Martin looked at the street more than he worked because the previous night he had heard the voice of Jesus saying, “Look out into the street tomorrow, for

I shall come.”


Stepánitch leaned his spade against the wall as he was old and weak and did not have enough strength to clear away the snow.











The boy who tried to steal an apple from the old woman’s basket is referred to as ‘he’ in the above extract.


According to the old woman, the boy should be whipped for stealing the apple in order to teach him a lesson.


According to Martin, God’s way is to forgive because He forgives us.






Q 2


Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.



Martin had lost his children in infancy. His wife too died leaving behind a three-year-old son. When the boy reached an age that he could help his father, he fell ill and died a week later. Hence, Martin had lost his purpose of



The old man from the monastery told him that he had no right to wish for his death. He should live for God as God gives life to us and wants us to live for Him. The way will be shown by Christ.



The woman was wearing worn out summer clothes. She stopped by the wall

with her back to the wind, trying to wrap the baby in her arms. Seeing their plight, Martin invited them inside.


Martin’s soul grew glad when he realised that the people whom he had helped the day before were all messengers of God. He realised that he had served God while serving the people.


Q 3


Answer the following questions in 100-120 words.


Martin Avdéiteh, a cobbler, lived in a tiny room with a window in a basement. He had lost his children in infancy. His wife had died too leaving a three-year- old son. When the boy reached an age when he could help his father, he fell ill and died a week later. Martin wanted to die as well. He stopped going to church. Now, in his old age, Martin wanted to draw nearer to God. One day a man from the monastery visited him and Martin began to complain about his sorrows. Then, the old man advised him to live for God. This inspired Martin to read the New Testament every day in order to understand how to live for



One night after reading the New Testament, he heard, “Martin, Martin! Look out into the street tomorrow, I shall come.” The next day as he was looking at the street, he saw an old soldier leaning against the wall because he had no strength to clear the snow. So, Martin called him in and served him tea. Then, he saw a woman with worn out summer clothes struggling to cover her baby. He called her in and asked her to warm herself near the stove. He also offered her some food, some money and his old coat. When an old apple- woman caught a boy who stole an apple from her basket, he asked her to forgive him. In this way, Martin put into practice the bible verse ‘I was hungry, and ye gave me to eat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in.’



Q 4

Change the following sentences into indirect speech.


Martin said that all he asked God was that he might soon die.


A voice told Martin to look out into the street the next day as He would





Martin told the woman to warm herself near the stove and feed the baby.


The woman replied that she had pawned her last shawl for sixpence the day before.


The woman said that she had not eaten herself since morning.


Answer key of workbook questions.


Complete the sentences.



Martin Avdéiteh, a cobbler, lived in a                                                                                                       .

tiny room in a basement


Now in his old age, Martin wanted to                                                                                                       .

draw nearer to God


Martin despaired because he wished to                                                                                                       .

live for your own happiness


The more Martin read the New Testament, the more clearly he understood                                                                                                       


how to live for God


God wants us to forgive or else                                                                                                      .

He won't forgive us



Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each.



What changed Martin’s life? (3 lines)


Martin’s life changed when he bought himself the New Testament. He read it every night and the more he read, the more clearly he understood how to live for God.


Why did Martin look out into the street more than he worked one morning? (4 lines)

The previous night when Martin was reading the New Testament, he heard a voice saying “Martin, Martin! Look out into the street tomorrow, for I shall come.” The next morning he looked at the street more than he worked because he was expecting Christ to come.


How did Martin convince the apple-woman to pardon the boy? (3 lines)

Martin told the apple-woman that God’s way is kinder. God would not want the boy to be whipped. If the boy should be whipped for stealing the apple, then our sins are far greater.


Explain the following line: (3 lines)

In as much as ye did it unto one of these my brethren even these least, ye did it



unto me.


The given line means that whatever good work we do for the poor or the needy, we do it for God. For God teaches us that where love is present, He is present there.

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