Summary of LS class dated 13/6/20


-Aavleen Bakshi (School Counselor)


Summary of LS class dated 13/6/20:

·        Rules of virtual class discussed.

·        Welcomed students who have newly joined school.

·        Introductory class about Life skills.

·        Definition and importance of LS explained.

·        Students shared how their life has changed since the Covid19 lockdown.

·        Discussed LS content sent during April and May- gratitude, empathy, cleanliness, meditation audio, Get well soon cards, thank you cards, lockdown diary.

·        Life skills students learnt during Covid19 lockdown- eg. Basic Cooking, sweeping, mopping, washing utensils, washing clothes, dusting, gardening, taking care of pet, helping family members in house chores, spending quality time with family members, playing indoor games, realizing importance of technology in connecting with everyone, attending virtual classes, gratitude for technology in helping us stay connected, importance of hygiene, safety measures in Covid19, multitasking, etc.

·        Major life lessons that Covid taught us: Health is wealth; importance of simple living; gratitude for essential workers; empathy and kindness for each other; nothing is permanent; the world around us can change anytime so we should always be prepared.

·        Importance of meditation especially during Covid 19 situation. Meditation as a means for better mental health, improved immunity, for positive thoughts and emotions. Especially suited for those who face difficulties in controlling emotions, have recurrent negative thoughts, face anger issues. Calm, Headspace, Youtube audios as sources to start with meditation. Benefits of meditation and need in today’s world.

·        It was an interactive class where students equally shared their experiences from lockdown.


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