Important information regarding sports workshop

Dear Parent,
Hope you are doing well...
We are delighted to introduce a few online workshops specially curated for Podar students through renowned agencies.
To kick start the same, there is an online summer camp for the events  – Football and Basketball curated by the masters – India on Track - []  exclusively for Podar International Schools.
Kindly check the flyers attached for details.
Other important details are mentioned below:
1.  Camp dates - 29th May to 5th June 2020 (7 day camp)
2.   One hour session each
3.   Courses – football and basketball
4.   Each batch will have around 20-25 students
5.   Workshop timings – 3 sets [age appropriate]
6.    Enrolment link:
7.   Price - Rs. 1000 inclusive of 18% GST per child per sport.
8.  Digital certificate will be provided at the end of the camp.
9.   Registrations to close on Thursday, 28th May 2020
10.  Sessions to kick-off on 29th May 2020.
Kindly note, that the workshop is completely optional.
Hope our kids enjoy a fun-filled sporty  journey..
More online workshops on the way!
Team PIS Vadodara

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