Social Science History Chapter:2 Beginning of the Colonial Rule Beginning from 17/04/2020 to 24/04/2020 (Summary of the Topic Taught)

Resources for Beginning of the Colonial Rule

(Student are requested to follow the above mentioned folder link to complete the assigned task mentioned below.)

Unit 1: Advent of the European Traders in India 
Objective:  to know how the European powers establish their control in India  to understand the factors that led to the struggle between the European powers   to examine the impact of this struggle on India

Task 1: Refer PPT1_VII I_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India slide no.2 and 3 write your inferences in the notebook.

Task 2: Connect to the following weblinks to understand Vasco da Gama’s voyage to India. 1. 2.

Task 3: Complete Question 1 of Activity Sheet 1_VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India as you read the article given on weblink1. 

Task 4: Refer PPT1_VIII_SSc_Beginning of Colonial Rule in India slide no.4 - 8 . Read the first paragraph given on textbook page no.10

Task 5: (Optional) ‘’Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.’’ This quote by well known astronaut Frank Borman indicates the human spirit to keep discovering new things. In this context, make a PPT depicting the greatest explorations of the 20th and 21st century. (Not more than 10 slides)

Unit 1: Advent of the European Traders in India
Task 6: Refer the weblink and read the first sub-topic- The East India Company given in the article.

Task 7: Complete Question 2 of Activity Sheet 1_VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India .

Task 8: Read the sub –topic- English East India Company given on textbook page no.10-11.

Task 9: Connect to the following weblink to understand the impact of the Carnatic Wars.

Task 10: Read the sub –topic- Struggle for Supremacy given on textbook page no.11.

 Task 11: Refer the weblink and play the Balloon Pop Activity to check your progress. Task 12: ebook- Solve widget given on page no. 11.


Unit 2: Expansion of British Dominion in Bengal

Objective:   to identify the strategies adopted by the British to expand their rule in India   to understand the factors that led to the Battle of Plassey and the Battle of Buxar  to know the impact of these battles on India

 Task 1: Read the topic, Expansion of British Dominion in Bengal given on textbook page no. – 12-13. (The first three paragraphs)

 Task 2: Complete Question 3 of Activity Sheet 1 _VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India .

Task 3: Watch video with the help of given weblink.

 Task 4: Complete Question 4 of Activity Sheet 1 _VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India as you watch the above video.

Task 5: Read the sub –topic- The Battle of Plassey given on textbook page no.13. Task 6: Refer PPT1_VIII_SSc_Beginning of Colonial Rule in India slide no.9. Read the subtopic-The Battle of Buxar given on textbook page no.13-14.

Task 7: Complete Question 5 of Activity Sheet 1 _VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India .

Task 8: Read the sub-topic- Dual system of government in Bengal given on textbook page no.14. Draw a graphic organiser in your notebook to depict the features of the Dual system of government in Bengal. 

Task 9: Write answers of the Rapid Round Questions given on textbook page no.14 in your notebook.  Task 10: ebook- work with the widgets on page no. 13 and 14.


Unit 3: Expansion of the British Empire Objective: 
 to understand the policies adopted by the British to expand their empire in India

Task 1: Refer the following weblink. Solve Question 6 Activity Sheet 1 _VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India as you go through the article given on the weblink.

Task 2: Read the sub-topic- Subsidiary alliance given on textbook page no.15.

Task 3: Complete Question 1 given in WS 1_QP_VIII_SSc_ Beginning of Colonial Rule in India .

Task 4: Connect to the following weblink. Read the given article and complete Question 7 Activity Sheet 1 _VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India simultaneously.

 Task 5: Read the sub-topic- Doctrine of lapse given on textbook page no.15-16.

Task 6: Watch video using the following weblink.

 Task 7: As you watch the above video make a table in your notebook depicting the following: 1. List of wars discussed in the video  2. Causes and the effects of each war discussed in the video

 Task 8: Read the sub-topic- Conquest of Mysore given on textbook page no.16.


Unit 3: Expansion of the British Empire Objective:

Task 9: Watch video using the following weblink.

Task 10: Refer Task 7 and follow the same instructions.

 Task 11: Read the sub-topic- War against the Marathas given on textbook page no.16.

 Task 12: Complete Question 2 given in WS 1_QP_VIII_SSc_ Beginning of Colonial Rule in India .

Task 13: Refer to the given weblink to understand the contribution of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. As you read the article complete Question 8 Activity Sheet 1 _VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India.

Task 14: Read the sub-topic-War against the Marathas given on textbook page no.17.

Task 15: Write answers of the Rapid Round Questions given on textbook page no.17 in your notebook.

Task 16: ebook- Solve widget given on page no. 16. India . Task 13: Refer to the given weblink to understand the contribution of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. As you read the article complete Question 8 Activity Sheet 1 _VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India.
 Task 14: Read the sub-topic-War against the Marathas given on textbook page no.17.

Task 15: Write answers of the Rapid Round Questions given on textbook page no.17 in your notebook.

Task 16: ebook- Solve widget given on page no. 16.


Unit 4: Administrative Apparatus of the British
 Objective:   to identify the administrative measures initiated by the British 

Task 1: Read the topic-Administrative Apparatus of the British given on textbook page no.17 and the sub-topic-The Regulating Act of 1773 and the Charter Act of 1813, and 1833 given on textbook page no.18.

 Task 2: Complete Question 3 and 4 given in WS 1 _QP_VIII_SSc_ Beginning of Colonial Rule in India .

Task 3: Refer the following weblinks to understand the origin and establishment of High Courts in Calcutta and Madras. 1. 2. In your note book draw a timeline depicting the important events discussed in the articles. Identify the factor that led to the establishment High Courts in Calcutta and Madras. (Write answer in notebook.)

 Task 4: To further understand about the introduction of laws and judiciary system in India, read the sub-topic-Law and judiciary given on textbook page no. 18.-19. Refer PPT1_VIII_SSc_Beginning of C olonial Rule in India slide no.10 to enhance your understanding.

  Task 5: Connect to the following weblink. Read the given article and complete Question 9 Activity Sheet 1 _VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India simultaneously.

Task 6: Read the sub-topic-Civil service given on textbook page no.19.

 Task 7: Connect to the following weblink and read the paragraph one and two of the article to understand the reforms initiated by Lord Cornwallis MnId=fPnfrlXy3mQzC+/6/KgNxFkCRmvTp+wEhX4SynAhbZU=&ParentID= XTU/OlAG5SXV0qn/c4entA==

 Task 8: Complete Question 10 Activity Sheet 1 _VIII_SSc _Beginning of Colonial Rule in India simultaneously.

Task 9: Read the sub-topic-Police and Army given on textbook page no.20.

Task 10: Complete Question 5 and 6 given in WS 1 _QP_VIII_SSc_ Beginning of Colonial Rule in India .

Task 11: Write answers of the Rapid Round Questions given on textbook page no.20 in your notebook.

Task 12: Refer textbook page no. 21-22 and write answers of Q.1 to Q.4 in your note book.

Task 13: ebook- Solve widget given on page no. 19.

Unit 5

 Objective:  to solve the written assignments appropriately 

Task 1: Refer textbook page no. 22-23 and write answers of Q.5 to Q.8 in your note book.

Task 2: Connect to the given weblink to play quiz. Task 3: Complete WB_VIII_SSc_Beginning of Colonial Rule in India provided.

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