Facts that Matter
•   Adolescence: The period of life, when the body undergoes changes, leading to reproductive maturity is known as adolescence.
   Generally, adolescence begins at the age of 11 and lasts upto 18 or 19 years of age. Adolescents are also called teenagers because they cover the period of the teens i.e. 13 to 18 or 19 years of age.
•   Puberty: The period of adolescence during which a adolescent reaches sexual maturity and becomes able to have children.
   Changes at Puberty
   During puberty sudden increase in height takes place. This happens due to elongation of long bones of legs and arms that make a person tall.
   Girls grow faster than boys by about 18 years of age, both reach their maximum height. The rate of growth in height varies in different individual.
        Height of an individual (male or female) depends on the genes inherited from parents. However, right kind of food during growing years is also essential.
   Calculation for full height (cm): The average rate of growth in the height of boys and girls with age given in the chart helps in calculating full height of the individuals.
        Calculation for full height (cm)
For example: A girl is 9 years old and 120 cm tall. At the end of the growth period she is likely to be
   Boys develop larger voice boxes (Larynx) to form a protruding part of throat called Adams Apple. Boys have deep voice.
        In Girls, larynx is hardly visible (Adams apple not visible). They have pitched voice.
•   Change in Body Shape: In boys, at the age of puberty, shoulders generally brooden as a result of growth. In boys, the muscles of the body grow prominently than in the girls.
        In girls, the region below the waist becomes wider. The muscles also comparatively grow less.
Fig. 10.1 Adams apple in grown up boy.
   The secretion of sweat glands and sebaceous glands (oil glands) increases during puberty.
•   Development of Sex Organs: In males, testes and penis develop completely. Tests start producing sperms.
        In girls, ovaries enlarge and eggs begin to mature. Ovaries start releasing mature eggs (ova).
   At puberty, individuals reach mental, intellectual and emotional maturity.
•   Secondary Sexual Character: Such as development of breasts in girls, moustaches and beard in boys, begin to develop. These characters that help in distinguishing the males from the females are called secondary sexual characters.
        Boys also develop hair on their chest.
•   Hormones: Hormones are chemical substances secreted in endocrine glands. They also known as ductless glands. These glands release hormones directly into the blood stream to reach a particular body part known as target site.
        Hormones control the changes that occur at adolescence. The male hormone called testosterone is secreted by the testes at the onset of puberty and cause development of facial hair, chest hair etc. At the onset of puberty in girls, ovaries secrete female hormone or estrogen which makes the breast develop. Their secretion is under the pituitary endocrine gland.
   Reproductive phase lasts for a much longer time in males than in females.
   The uterine wall in females prepares itself to receive the developing fertilised egg. In case there is no fertilisation, the thickened lining of the uterine wall breaks down and goes out alongwith blood.
        This bleeding in women is called menstruation which occurs once in about 28 to 30 days.
•   Menarche: The first menstrual flow which begins at puberty is known as menarche.
•   Menopause: At 45 to 50 years of age, the menstruation cycle stops. Stoppage of menstruation is known as menopause.
•   Sex chromosome: The thread structures present inside the nucleus of every cell are called chromosomes. All human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes in nuceli of their cells. Two chromosomes out of these are the sex chromosomes known as X and Y. A female has two X chromosomes whereas a male has one X and one Y choromosomes.
   Sex of the unborn child depends on whether the zygote has XX or XY chromosome.
Fig. 10.2 Sex determination in humans.
•   Hormones other than Sex Harmones
•   Metamorphosis: The change from larva to adult is called metamorphosis. In insects, metamorphosis is controlled by insect hormones. In frog, metamorphosis from tadpole to adult frog is controlled by thyroxine hormone which is produced by thyroid gland. Thyroxine production requires the presence of iodine in water.
Fig. 10.3 Position of endocrine glands in the human body.
•   Nutritional need of the Adolescents: Adolescence is a stage of rapid growth and development.
        Hence, the balanced diet is very important at this stage. Here, balanced diet means that the meals should include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins in requisite proportion.
•   Personal Hygine:
        (a) It is more necessary for teenagers because the increased activity of sweat glands makes the body smelly. So, daily bath is necessary.
        (b) If all body parts are not washed or cleaned everyday, the chances of bacterial infection are more.
        (c) Girls should take special care of cleanliness during the time of menstrual flow.
•   Say No to Drugs: Adolescence period is full of much activities, confusion or insecurity. Some people take advantage of this and lead adolescents to had habits. They are addictive, and sexual contact with persons infected with HIV may happen.
        You should be firm to say NO to such activities because they run in your health and happiness.

Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Multiple choice Questions
1.  Larynx is called
        a. Voice box
        b. Music box
        c. Respiratory organ
        d. None of these
2.  The egg is
        a. Egg gamete
        b. Female gamete
        c. Both of these
        d. None of these
3.  Thyroxin produced by
        a. Pituitary gland
        b. Adrenal gland
        c. Thyroid gland
        d. Testes
4.  There are__ __ pairs of chromosome in human cell.
        a. 23
        b. 46
        c. 22
        d. All are wrong
5.  Initially girls grow _____ than boys.
        a. Faster
        b. Slower
        c. Both of these
        d. None of these
6.  The period of maturity of reproductive organs is called.
        a. Adolescene period
        b. Mensuration
        c. Gestation period
        d. None of these
7.  Fertilisation is called
        a. To produce sperm
        b. To produce eggs
        c. Fusion of sperms and eggs
        d. All of these
8.  Puberty age in females is
        a. 10-12
        b. 12-14
        c. 8-10
        d. More than 14 years
9.  The number of chromosomes are present in human cell.
        a. 22 pairs
        b. 23 pairs
        c. 24 parirs
        d. 26 pairs
10.  The male hormone is
        a. Estragon
        b. Projestrone
        c. Testosterone
        d. All of these
1.    A
2.    B
3.    C
4.    A
5.    A
6.    A
7.    C
8.    A
9.    B
10. C

Sample paper Questions
1.  What is the age of adolescence in human?
2.  Which organ is called voice box?
3.  What type of chromosomes occurs in sperms?
4.  Name the disease caused by less or not secretion of thyroxin?
5.  How we can keep our healthy?
6.  Why adolescence is also called teenage?
7.  Some boys and girls have disproportionate body structure during adolescence. Why?
8.  What are the secondary sexual characters in girls?
9.  Explain term menstruation.
10.  How do hormones help in the completion of life of insects and frogs?
11.  Write some myths which are not facts.
12.  Insulin is produced by which gland?

1.  When do noticeable changes begin in human in adolescence?
2.  Do both girls and boys grow on same rate?
3.  Name female hormone.
4.  What is menopause?
5.  What are chromosomes?
6.  What is the name of hormone produced by pancreas?
7.  Which endocrine gland produces the growth hormone?
8.  What do you mean by metamorphosis?
9.  What is the most important change marked by puberty?
10.  Explain the development of sex organs in men and female.
11.  What happens when egg gets fertilized?
12.  Name the virus that causes AIDS. What are the medium through which this virus is transmitted?
13.  Explain the sex determination of a baby in human.
14.  What do you understand by Adams apple?

Q.1.  What is the term used for secretions of endocrine glands responsible for changes taking place in the body?
Ans.   Hormones.
Q.2.  Define adolescence.
Ans.   The period of life, when the body undergoes changes, leading to reproductive maturity is called adolescence.
Q.3.  What is menstruation? Explain.
Ans.   When the egg produced by ovary does not get fertilised, the released egg and the thickened lining of the uterus along with its blood vessels are shed off. This causes bleeding in women which is called menstruation.
        Menstruation occurs once in about 28 to 30 days.
Q.4.  List the changes in the by that take place at puberty.
Ans.   The changes in the body of puberty are:
        (i) Sudden increase in height.
        (ii) The bones of arms and legs elongate and make a person tall.
        (iii) Growing of hair at different parts of body.
        (iv) The voice of a boy gets hoarsed.
        (v) Development of sex organs.
        (vi)Growth of moustaches and beards in the boys.
        (vii) The breast in girls develops and hips become wider whereas in boys shoulders generally broaden.
Q.5.  Prepare a table having two columns depicting names of endocrine glands and hormones secreted by them.
Q.6.  What are sex hormones? Why are they named so? State their functions.
Ans.   The hormones which help and control the formation of secondary sexual characters are called sex hormones. They are called sex hormones because they control the sexual activities and help us to distinguish boys from girls.
        The sex hormones help to delop the secondary sexual characters. Such as, in boys they control formation of sperms by testes and growth of facial hair. In girls they help to develop breasts, milk secreting glands or mammary glands.
Q.7.  Choose the correct option.
        (a) Adolescence should be careful about what they eat, because:
              (i) proper diet develops thcir brains.
              (ii) proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking place in their body.
              (iii) adolescents feel hungry all the time.
              (iv) testes buds are well deloped in teenagers.
        (b) Reproductive age in women starts when their:
              (i) menstruation starts.
              (ii) breasts start developing.
              (iii) body weight increasing.
              (iv) height increases.
        (c) The right meal for adolescents consists of:
              (i) chips, noodles, cake.
              (ii) chapati, dal, vegetable.
              (iii) rice, noodles and burger.
              (iv) vegetable cutlets, chips and lemon drink.
Ans.   (a) (ii) proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking place in their body.
        (b) (i) menstruation starts.
        (c) (ii) chapati, dal, vegetable.
Q.8.  Write notes on:
        (a) Adam's apple
(b) Secondary Sexual characters
        (c) Sex determination in unborn baby.
Ans.   (a) Adam's apple: The protruding part in the throat is called Adam's apple. It is the enlarged voice box or larynx. It makes the voice of boys coarse.
        (b) Secondary sexual characters: The characters which help to distinguish the male from female are called secondary sexual characters. The characters like hair on chest under arms, development of breast, beard and moustaches are called secondary sexual characters.
        (c) Sex determination in unborn baby: The sex of unborn baby is determined by the sex chromosomes. An unfertilized egg always has X chromosomes. Sperms are of two types. One contains X chromosomes and the other contains Y chromosomes. If sperm contributes a Y chromosome to the egg at fertilisation, the zygote would develope into male child. If a sperm containing X chromosome fertilises the egg, the zygote would develop into a female.
Q.9.  Word game: Use the clues to work out the words.
        3. Protruding voice box in boys
        4. Glands without ducts
        7. Endocrine gland attached to brain
        8. Secretion of endocrine glands
        9. Pancreatic hormone
        10. Female hormone
        1. Male hormone
        2. Secretes thyroxine
        3. Another term for teenage
        5. Hormone reaches here through blood stream
        6. Voice box
        7. Term for changes at adolescence.
Q.10.  The table below shows the data on likely heights of boys and girls as they grow in age. Draw graphs of height and age for both boys and girls on the same graph paper. What conclusions can be drawn from these graphs?
Ans.   We conclude that intially, girls grow faster than boys but by about 18 years of age both reach about their maximum height. The rate of growth in height varies in different individuals.

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