Syllabus for cycle test 3


Unseen Comprehensions

Composition:Descriptive Writing,Letter Writing (Formal),Article Writing,Story Writing

Conjunctions,Direct and Indirect Speech

Prose: Where Love is God is

The Inchcape Rock

SR:The Postmaster
The Wild Duck’s Nest


Ch. 5: Playing with numbers(some interesting tricks is omitted),
Ch. 13: Percentage and its applications,
Ch. 14: Simple and Compound interest,
Ch. 10 : Construction of quadrilaterals,
Ch. 16: Statistics


Ch. 7: Our Fossil Fuels,
Ch. 10: The Continuity in Animal Life,
Ch. 9: The Control Systems,
Ch. 18: The Study of Celestial Objects,
Ch. 17: The Radiance of Light,
Ch. 5: The Age of Plastics

Social Science

History: Ch. 8 Education and The Colonial Rule,                    
History: Ch. 9 Indian Renaissance  
Civics: Ch. 16 The Indian Parliament                                
Civics: Ch. 17 The Union Executive      
Civics: Ch. 18 The Indian Judiciary    
Geography: Ch. 7 Earth’s Variable Grocery

Geography: Ch. 8 Generated Resources

Geography:Ch. 9 Generated Resources - Case Studies

Note- The following chapter from History will be tested in the next examination:Ch. 19: The Police

Note- The following chapter from History will not betested in any examination:
Ch. 10: Art and Culture of Modern


पाठ  अंडमान निकोबार
कविता तुम हमारी चोटियों की बर्फ़ को मत यूँ कुरेदो व्याकरण कारक / परसर्ग, सर्वनाम,विशेषण, लोकोक्तियाँ, क्रिया, काल, पर्यायवाची शब्द रचना अपठित गद्यांश,
 पत्र-लेखन (औपचारिक, अनौपचारिक),अनुच्छेद-लेखन,संवाद-लेखन,निबंध-लेखनलहर कहानी संग्रह सिक्का

Note: As per board patternअपठित पद्यांशwill not be tested.


Ch. 5: Programming in ‘C’

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