Eng- The flying Sikh Workbook

The Flying Sikh

Q. I        Fill in the blanks, choosing appropriate words from the box: (Linguistic)


1.    They had to alight at the next stop in order to continue their journey.

2.    The remaining 200 victims were massacred, and cast down a famous well.

3.    “What went wrong?” I asked as empathetically as possible.

4.    At the reunion, the former classmates reminisced about their old teachers.

5.    They can run up to 35 mph and they have more stamina than a horse.

Q.  II   Answer the following questions: (Linguistic) (Ap/Av)

1.    Name the international race in which Milkha Singh participated.

The first international race that Milkha Singh participated in was the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games.

2.    Why didn‟t he qualify for the finals?

He didn’t qualify for the finals because he was inexperienced.

3.    What is Milkha Singh‟s advice to the younger generation?

According to Milkha Singh, nowadays athletes want to get famous quickly. They resort to drugs to speed things up. He advises the younger generation not to take short cuts.

4.    What is the story behind „The Flying Sikh‟?

It was an epic race between Milkha Singh and ace sprinter from Pakistan Abdul Khaliq. Abdul Khaliq was a favourite of the Pakistani Prime Minister General Ayub. The 60,000 spectators that day didn’t

see Milkha run, they saw him fly, setting a new world record of 20.7 secs. General Ayub came up to Milkha Singh and honoured him by calling him ‘The Flying Sikh’.


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