Portion for Cycle Test 2


1.     Prose: The Lady with the Lamp
2.      Grammar: Adjectives
3.      Comprehension: Flamingoes
4.     Poetry:Up – Hill 
5.      Grammar: Finite Verbs
6.      SR: In Times of Adversity
7.      Composition: Diary Writing
8.      Prose: The Flying Sikh 
9. Grammar: Non Finite Verbs
10. Comprehension: The Silk Road
11. Grammar: Tenses
12. Poetry: Ozymandias    
13. SR: Feathered Friend
14. Grammar: Subject Verb Agreement
15. Composition: Data Interpretation

v  Chapter 8: Understanding Shapes
v  Chapter 2: Squares and Square roots
v  Chapter 3: Cubes and Cube roots
v  Chapter 9: 3 – D Visualisation
v  Chapter 11: Perimeter and Area
v  Ch 8: Fuel, Fire and Flame
v  Ch 4: Life under a Microscope
v  Ch 2: Cells- The Building Blocks of Life
v  Ch 3: Tissues: Cells in Unison
v  Ch 16: Natural Forces
v  Ch 14: The Music of Sound Energy

Social Science

1.      Ch 4. Earth’s Farm House
2.      Ch 5. Minerals and Power Resources
3.      Ch 6. Earth Harvested
History and Civics

1.      History: Ch 5. The Great Uprising of 1857     
2.      Civics:Ch 14. Fundamental Rights and Duties                                                 
3.      History:Ch 6. Colonialism and Urbanisation  
4.      History:Ch 7. Craft and Industries Under the British Rule                                              
5.      Civics:Ch 15.  Directive Principles of State Policy                                                       

1.         पाठ-स्वामी विवेकानंद
2.         व्याकरण-समास
3.         व्याकरण-संज्ञा
4.         व्याकरण-लिंग
5.         कविता-फूल और काँटे
6.         रचना-पत्र-लेखन (औपचारिक)
7.         पाठ-गिल्लू
8.         लहर-इंद्रधनुष
9.       व्याकरण-वचन
10.       व्याकरण-मुहावरे
11.       रचना- कहानी-लेखन


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