Std. VIII (includes PT1) ENGLISH
  1. The Luncheon
  2. The Lady with the Lamp
  3. The Flying Sikh
  1. Lochinvar
  2. Up-Hill
  3. Ozymandias
  1. Ch. 1 to 7
  1. Sentences, Phrases and Clauses
  2. Nouns
  3. Articles
  4. Determiners
  5. Pronouns
  6. Adjectives
  7. Finite Verbs
  8. Non Finite Verbs
  9. Tenses
  10. Subject Verb Agreement
  1. Letter Writing (Informal)
  2. Dialogue Writing
  3. Diary Writing
  4. Data Interpretation
Std. VIII (includes PT1) HINDI
  1. स्वामी विवेकानंद
  2. गिल्लू
  3. भाषा, लिखावट और गिनती
  4. माँ
  1. फूल और काँटे
  2. हमारा देश
  1. समास
  2. संज्ञा
  3. लिंग
  4. वचन
  5. मुहावरे
  6. वाक्य विचार
  7. संधि
  8. उपसर्ग
  9. प्रत्यय
  1. अपठित गद्यांश
  2. अपठित पद्यांश
  3. पत्र-लेखन (औपचारिक, अनौपचारिक)
  4. कहानी-लेखन
  5. अनुच्छेद-लेखन
  6. संवाद-लेखन
लहर कहानी संग्रह
  1. इंद्रधनुष
  2. सौर ऊर्जा
Std. VIII (includes PT1) MATHS
  1. Ch. 1: Rational Numbers
  2. Ch. 4: Exponents
  3. Ch. 6: Algebraic Expressions
  4. Ch. 7: Linear Equation in One Variable
  5. Ch. 8: Understanding Elementary Shapes
  6. Ch. 2: Squares and Square Roots
  7. Ch. 3: Cubes and Cube Roots
  8. Ch. 9: 3D Visualisation
  9. Ch. 11: Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures
Std. VIII (includes PT1) SCIENCE
  1. Ch. 1: Food Sources and Us
  2. Ch. 12: Forces in Action
  3. Ch. 13: Friction- A Necessary Evil
  4. Ch. 6: The World of Elements
  5. Ch. 8: Fuel, Fire and Flame
  6. Ch. 4: Life under a Microscope
  7. Ch. 2: Cells-The Building Blocks of Life
  8. Ch. 3: Tissues: Cells in Unison
  9. Ch. 16: Natural Forces
  10. Ch. 14: The Music of Sound Energy
  1. History: Ch. 1: Traces of Modern Indian History
  2. History: Ch. 2: Beginning of Colonial Rule in India
  3. History:Ch. 3: Agrarian Policies of the British
  4. History:Ch. 4: Tribal Societies and the Colonial Rule
  5. Civics: Ch. 13: Indian Constitution: A Revelation
  6. Geography: Ch. 1: Earth’s Store House
  7. Geography: Ch. 2: Crustal Resource - Soil
  8. Geography: Ch. 3: The Blue Resource
  9. History: Ch. 5: The Great Uprising of 1857
  10. History: Ch. 6: Colonialism and Urbanisation
  11. History: Ch. 7: Craft and Industries Under the British Rule
  12. Civics: Ch. 14: Fundamental Rights and Duties
  13. Civics:Ch. 15: Directive Principles of State Policy
  14. Geography: Ch. 4: Earth’s Farm House
  15. Geography: Ch. 5: Minerals and Power Resources
  16. Geography: Ch. 6: Earth Harvested

Std. VIII (includes PT1)
  1. Ch. 3: Layers in GIMP 2.8
  2. Ch. 4: HTML & CSS
  3. 3D Printing

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