Geography- People Power Studies (Extra Questions)

People Power Studies (Extra Questions)

1. Why are humans an important resource?
utilization, development of resources, add value to resources, convert them to wealth.

2. List any two factors on which the quality of human resource depends.
health status, skills

3. List the three types of human resource.
unskilled, skilled, highly skilled

4. Give one significance of the population pyramid.
understand male female ratio…

5. What does literacy of a particular country depend on?
economic development, urbanization, standard of living, social status of women, ….

6. State the reasons why some areas in the world are highly populated.
industrial regions, employment, well developed service sectors, fertile land

7. Name any two moderately populated regions of the world.
Deccan Plateau, Central USA, Eastern Europe, ...

8. Why is Siberia an area with very low density of population?
rough terrain, very cold climate, lack of livelihood, poor agricultural resources, limit on urbanization, difficulties in transport and communication, less economic development.

9. Explain the cause and effect relation between the following:
  •  Population and soil (fertility, good agriculture, soil erosion, farming techniques) 
  • Population and development of industries (employment, migration)
  • Population and government policies (migration, immigration, settlements, funding, stability)
16. What do you mean by the age-sex pyramid?
10. How does fertility rate affect population? 
influence on social, economic. demographic factor, high birth rate increase in population.

11. What is negative growth rate? 
declining population

12. What is immigration?
movement of people into the country 

13. What is the effect of population growth on natural resources? 
depletion, degradation

14.  How did the Industrial Revolution affect population? 
increase in life expectancy, advancement in science and technology, healthcare

15. Name is least populous continent of the world.
Ans: Antarctica is the least populated continent in the world.

Ans: Age-sex pyramid also known as the Population Pyramid is a graphical representation of the age, sex composition of the population.

17.  List out the factors responsible for the rapid growth of world population.
Ans: Factors responsible for the rapid growth of world population are:
(a) Geographical Factors: Relief, Climate, Natural Resources, Soil, Water, Minerals.
(b) Social Factors.
(c) Cultural Factors.
(d) Economic Factors.

18.   Define the following: (a) Birth Rate (b) Death Rate (c) Human Resource.
(a) Birth Rate: The number of live births per 1000 persons is called birth rate.
(b) Death Rate: The number of deaths per 1000 persons is called death rate.
(c) Human Resource: Human Resource or people are the greatest asset to a nation. Human beings use their knowledge and skill to convert natural resource into more valuable goods.

19.  How would you distinguish between productive and dependent population?

20. Discuss the importance of human resource.
 Human resource or people are a nation's greatest resource; they are an asset to a nation. People are important to develop the economy and society. It is people with their demands and abilities that turn a thing into 'resources'. Human beings use their knowledge and skill to convert natural resource into more valuable goods. Hence, human resource is the ultimate resource. Healthy, educated and motivated people develop resources as per their requirements. Human resources like other resources are not equally distributed over the world.

21. Describe the various factors affecting the distribution of population in the world.
Following are the factors affecting the distribution of population in the world:
Geographical Factors:
(a) Topography: People always prefer to live on plains rather than mountains and plateaus because these areas are suitable for farming, manufacturing and service activities. The Ganga plains are the most densely populated areas of the world while mountains like Andes, Alps and Himalayas are sparsely populated.
(b) Climate: People usually avoid extreme climates that are very hot or very cold like Sahara desert, Polar Regions of Russia, Canada and Antarctica.
(c) Soil: Fertile soils provide suitable land for agriculture. Fertile plains such as Ganga and Brahmaputra in India, Hwang-He, Chang Jiang in China and the Nile in Egypt are densely populated.
(d) Water: People prefer to live in the areas where fresh water is easily available. The river valleys of the world are densely populated while deserts have spare population.
(e) Minerals: Areas with mineral deposits are more populated. 
Diamond mines of South Africa and discovery of oil in the Middle east lead to settling of people in these areas.
Social, Cultural and Economic Factors:
(a) Social: Areas of better housing, education and health facilities are more densely populated e.g., Pune.
(b) Cultural: Places with religion or cultural significance attract people. Varanasi, Jerusalem and Vatican City are some examples.
(c) Economic: Industrial areas provide employment opportunities. Large number of people are attracted to these areas. Osaka in Japan and Mumbai in India are two densely populated areas.

22. Why are people considered a resource?
No resource can be utilised without the intervention of people. It is the people who add value to a resource. Hence, people are considered as a resource.
21. The world population has grown very rapidly. Why ?
The world population has grown very rapidly because due to changes in the number of births and deaths. The rapid increase in natural growth that is difference between birth rate and death rate is also causing population to grow rapidly. The main reason for the growth was the better food supplies and medicinal facilities because of which death rate decreased.

22. Explain the factors influencing population change ? 
 The main factors influencing population change were-
1)    Birth rate -Births are usually measured using the birth rate i.e. the number of live births per 1,000 people. When birth rate is more than death rate, it is population increase. It increases the population.

2)   Death rate-Deaths are usually measured using the death rate i.e. the number of deaths per 1,000 people. When death rate is more than birth rate, it is population decrease. It decreases the population.

3)   Migration- Migration is the movement of people in and out of an area.  It changes the size of the population. Migration is of two types- Emigration and Immigration. Emigrants are the people who leave a country while immigrants are those who arrive in a country.

23. How migration is responsible for changes in the population size ?
Migration is another way by which population size changes. People may move within a country or between countries.

  • Emigrants are people who leave a country.
  • Immigrants are those who arrive in a country. Countries like the United States of America and Australia have gained in-numbers by in- migration or imigration. Sudan is an example of a country that has experienced a loss in population numbers due to out-migration or emigration.

24 What is meant by Population composition ?
Population composition refers to the structure of the population that is number of males and females, age group, education, occupation, income levels and healthof population.. 

25. What is the importance of knowing Population composition ?
The composition of population helps us to know the number of males or females, to which age group they belong to, how educated they are and what type of occupations they are employed in, what their income levels and health conditions of the population.

26.  What is Population pyramid? How does it help in understanding the population of the country?
Population pyramid is also called the age sex pyramid. Population pyramid shows
1)    The total population which is divided into various age groups, e.g., 5 to 9 years, 10 to 14 years.
2)   The percentage of the total population, subdivided into males and females, in each of those groups.
3)   The numbers of children (below 15 years) are shown at the bottom and reflect the level of births. The size of the top shows the numbers of aged people (above 65 years) and reflects the number of deaths.
4)   It shows the dependent population and independent population. The dependent population includes the children and the aged population while the independent population is the working population between the age group of 15 to 65 years.

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