Cycle Test-4 Syllabus

Cycle Test-4 Syllabus


v Ch 6: More in Scratch 2.0
IA-Practical 4: More in Scratch 2.0

v Prose: Dusk
v Grammar: Active and Passive Voice
v Poetry: The Man He Killed
v Composition: Speech Writing
v Practice Sheet:  07
v Grammar: Transformation of Sentences
v Comprehension: The Little Man
v SR: Ch 11 and 12
v Composition: Report Writing
v Enrichment Activity 4: Elocution
v Grammar: Idioms
v SR: Ch 13
v Practice Sheet:  08
v Revision Question Bank 4

v पाठ -  डॉ.. पी. जे. अब्दुल कलाम
v कविता -  चींटी
v व्याकरण -अविकारी शब्द
v व्याकरण - अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
v व्याकरण -विरामचिह्न
v Work book - कहानी लेखन, पत्र-लेखन (अनौपचारिक), निबंध लेखन, मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ ((पुन:अभ्यास))
v Practice sheet  4
v पाठ -  पन्ना धाय
v व्याकरण -अशुद्धि शोधन
v Work book अपठित गद्यांश और पद्यांश (HW)
v लहर - केमिस्ट्री
v Revision Question Bank - 4

v Chapter 15: Direct and Inverse Variation
v Chapter 12: Surface Areas and Volumes
v Enrichment Activity (EA) 4: Math Lab Activity on Surface Areas and Volumes
v Chapter 17: Probability
v Chapter 18: Introduction to Graphs
v Mental Math – 4
v Revision Test – 4

v  Ch 10. People Power Studies
v Enrichment Activity 4: Map Work - People Power Studies
v Ch 11. Earth’s Adversity
v Revision Test -4

v History: Ch 10. Art and Culture of Modern India                                                         
v Civics: Ch 19. The Police                             
v History: Ch 11. Struggle For India’s Independence                                          
v History: Ch 12.  India: Towards Building A Nation                                                      
v Civics: Ch 20. Marginalisation and Social Justice                                                     
v Civics: Ch 21. Introduction to Economics     

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