Civics- The Police (Extra questions)

Civics- The Police (Extra questions)

1.  What is the mission of the police force? 
The mission of the police force is to enforce laws with impartiality and create a stress free environment that leads to an overall growth and development of individuals with the society and the country as a whole.

2. State the three important divisions in the structure of Indian police. 
Senior Officers, Upper Subordinates, Police Constabulary

3. List any two aims of the police as mentioned in the mission.
-The police  aims to prevent and detect crime. 
-It aims to promote harmony amongst the different sections of society.
- The police force works as a team to protect all the citizens of the country, especially, the women, minorities, senior citizens and the downtrodden people.

4. List the functions of the police with regards to prevention of crime.
•Prevention of crime, surveillance, patrolling, surprise checks, Naka Bandis.
•Investigation, justice.
•Maintain law and order during elections etc.
•Management of traffic.
•Enquiry of missing persons etc.
•Verification of people for issuing passports etc.
•Providing security to VIPs.
•Protecting borders of the country.

5. List the three main sections of the structure of the Indian police. 
Senior officers, Upper subordinates, Police constabulary.

6. What is an FIR?
 When the police hear of a cognizable offence for the first time, they prepare a written document
which is known as an FIR or First Information Report.

7. What is a Zero FIR ? 
 Did you know that an FIR can now be filed at any police station – even if you are far off from the 
place of  incident and you may/ may not be sure of the correct jurisdiction? There are provisions to 
do so and the same can be transferred to the appropriate police station limits when these are available.
Such an FIR is called the  Zero FIR!

8.  How can you file a Zero FIR?
 Like a regular FIR, follow the below checklist to make sure a Zero FIR is complete in all respects.
 Statements are to be recorded in writing by a police officer.
 Details in all respects known without speculation / assuming any thing must
be provided to the police.
 Sign the register to make this official.
 You have a right to get your copy of the complaint along with the
identification number or roll.
 A police official cannot deny to file a zero FIR.

9. Who can file an FIR?
FIR can be filed by either the aggrieved party or any other person about the offence.

10. Where is FIR filed?
The FIR is filed at the nearest police station where the incident takes place.


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