Integrated Project- History Topic: Agriculture - Alchemy that turns earth into sustenance

Integrated Project- History
Topic: Agriculture - Alchemy that turns earth into sustenance 

Objective: To ………
·       explain the origin of agriculture
·       make a timeline of the important inventions related to evolution of agriculture
·       describe how the concept of agriculture has evolved in India
·       explain with examples the contribution of the government in the field of agriculture in India
·       explain the contribution of any one personality in the field of agriculture in India

Materials Required:

v To be sourced by the student
1.     Information related to the topics
2.     Pictures related to the topics
3.     A pair of scissors, pencils, sketch pens, glue and decorative materials
4.     Scrapbook (quarter piece of chart papers bound together with a ribbon)

Divide the students into groups.
Tell them to write the following collected information in the scrap book:
1.     The origin of agriculture
2.     A timeline showing the important inventions related to evolution of agriculture
3.     Describing how the concept of agriculture has evolved in India.
4.     Explaining with examples the contribution of the government in the field of agriculture in India
5.     Explaining the contribution of any one personality in the field of agriculture in India

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