Integrated Project- Geography and Computers Topic: Agriculture- Alchemy that turns earth into sustenance

Integrated Project- Geography and Computers
Topic: Agriculture- Alchemy that turns earth into sustenance 

Objective: The students will be able to:
·       Identify the major rivers of India and mark their course on the map of India
·       Identify  major river ecosystems
·       Understand the importance of saving our rivers
·       Research and collect information about the crop cultivation supported by these rivers.
·       Present their findings by giving a talk using a poster “Why Rally for Rivers” and a visual display using a computer program

Materials Required:

1.     India blank physical map
2.     Information and website links related to the topic ‘Rally for Rivers’
3.     A computer with internet access; library books for initial research
4.     Maps and Atlases showing the course of the Indian Rivers

6.     Information related to the topic
7.     Pictures related to :
·       River ecosystems of India
·       Crops cultivation in the river valleys of India
8. A pair of scissors, pencils, sketch pens, glue
9. A Chart Paper to make poster on  “Why Rally for Rivers?”

Preparation Prior to the Presentation
1.     Individually collect information on the following:
·       Stark facts about the Indian rivers
·       How not caring for rivers affects our life
·       The course of the all the important rivers of India and the states and regions drained by them
·       The information about the crop cultivation these rivers support and areas they irrigate
Steps to be taken to Prepare the Presentation
1.     On a blank map of India plot the course of any four rivers of India and pictorially represent the ecosystem (For example one bird or animal) supported by these rivers and crop cultivation supported by these rivers.
2.     Draw a poster on “Why Rally for Rivers” keeping in mind the following:
·       Importance of rivers in agriculture and crop cultivation
·       Stark facts about our dying rivers
·       A Slogan to save rivers and Indian agriculture
3.     For visual display, create a poster in GIMP 2.8.
4.     Save suitable images such as rivers, map of India, etc.
5.     Use these images on different layers to create poster.
6.     Give special effects to different layers using the Layer mode or Filter effects.

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