Generated Resources (Extra Question)

Generated Resources (Extra Question)

1) Name the two countries where industrial revolution began.
England & United States

2) What were the new machines powered by?
water, steam and coal

3) How did the machines replace man power?
work was done faster and cheaper by machines whereas manually it took a long time to complete the work

 4) Name the medium of transport which made the movements of goods easy.
steam boats and locomotives

5) Name the two groups of people that emerged during the industrial revolution.
workers & industrialists

6) What were the negative effects of industrial revolution? (pollution from the factories, lack of housing which resulted in slums, and child labour

7) Define an industry.
An industry is a geographically located manufacturing unit maintaining books of accounts and, records under a management system.

8) List any two characteristics of manufacturing industry. (Refer from Textbook)

9) What was the source of fuel during the industrial revolution?
bio fuels such as coal

10) How did the industrial revolution improve the life of people?
fast economy, sustained income, improved standard of living

11) What were geographical problems were associated with the industrial revolution?
pollution, depletion of resources

12) How did the two world wars help in development of industries in India?
establishment of many industries

13) Why was the Five Year Plan important?
Planned development of industries after independence

14) Explain industry as a system.
it involves inputs, processes and outputs. Inputs-raw materials, labour etc; output-finished goods, process differs depending on end product.

15. How does industry help other sectors?
closely related to agriculture for raw materials; employment; rise in income; manufacturing goods; improvement in economy, trade, foreign exchange, social life and facilities.

16. Define resource ? Give examples.
 Resource :Anything which satisfies human needs is a resource .ex-water, textbook, air, land, vegetable etc.

17. Which are the main factors which influence the location of an industry?
Ans: Factors influencing the location of an industry:
(i)Availability of raw material
(ii) Availability of land
(iii) Adequate supply of water
(iv) Adequate supply of labour
(v) Access to power
(vi) Amount of capital
(vii) Access to transport
(viii)Presence of market
18. Define the term manufacturing.
Ans: Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw material to more valuable products is called "Manufacturing".

19. List out the physical and human factors of industrial location.
Ans: Physical Factors: Land, water, power, raw material, etc.
Human Factors: Capital, labour, policies, market, technology, transportation, communication, etc.

20.  State any four industrial regions of the world.
Ans: Major industrial regions of the world are:
(a) Great Lakes Industrial Region of North America.
(b) Rhur-Saar Industrial Region of Europe.
(c) London Industrial Region.
(d) Ural-Ukraine Industrial Region of Russia.
(e) Sydney Industrial Region of Australia.

21. Explain how industries are classified on the basis of raw material. (Refer Textbook)

22. How would you distinguish between large scale and small scale industries?
23. In what ways do the public sector industries differ from private sector industries?
24.  Which industry is often referred to as the backbone of modern industry and why?
Iron and steel industry is often referred to as the backbone of the modern industry because almost everything is either made from iron or steel or has been made using tools and machinery of these metals. There are plenty of examples like -ships, trains, vehicles; all are made largely of steel. Materials of our day-to-day use starting safety pin to our building in which we live, are made from steel. Without the use of iron no industry can run.
24. Explain the factors favourable for the development of the IT industry in Bangalore.
Ans. Following are the factors favourable for the development of the IT industry in Bangaluru:
(a) Bangalore is located on the Deccan Plateau from where it gets the name 'Silicon Plateau'.
(b) The city is known for its mild climate throughout the year. Pleasant weather, low cost of living, makes it an ideal place for living.
(c) Good transport facility, availability of skilled and experienced professionals.
(d) The city has many leading educational institutes.
(e) More than 100 multinational and software companies have established their business.
(f) The government of Karnataka was the first to sanction the establishment of IT industry.
25.  Manufacturing industries are important for the economic development of the country, discuss.
Ans: Following are importance of manufacturing industries for the economic development of the country:
(a) Industrial growth helps in modernising the agricultural activities by providing machinery, chemicals, irrigation facilities, insecticides, pesticides, etc.
(b) Industrial growth helps in reducing the unemployment and poverty.
(c) Industrial growth can earn foreign exchange by exporting the finished goods and thus, can expand its trade and commerce.
(d) Industrial growth helps in improving the standard of living of the people.

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