
Showing posts from July, 2021

VIII B Computer - Internet Applications and Emerging Technologies

 Topics taught  -  Diagnostic test ,E-commerce, Three parties involved in this exchange of goods and                               transfer of money, Categories of E-commerce, Advantages and Disadvantages of                              E- commerce

Circular Regarding First Open House(2021-22)


VIII A Computer - Internet Applications and Emerging Technologies

   Topics taught  -  E-commerce, Advantages and Disadvantages E-commerce, mention the parties                                 involved in it, four main categories of e-commerce H.W. Complete Learn by doing activity given on P g no 77

Ch- 2 Open Office Base(VIII A&B)

  Topics taught    -  Demonstrate Forms,Queries,Reports,Discuss Internal                                  Assessment,Textbook   Exercise.

English CH.22 Determiners

  CH.22 DETERMINERS. Date- 26/7/21 Topics Covered- Diagnostic test of determiners Explanation of What are determiners and types of Determiners through ppt. Articles Demonstratives Possessives  Date- 28/7/21 Topics covered-  Explanation of  Quantifiers Cardinals/Ordinals Other Determiners. Discussion of Art Integrated Activity- Make a popcorn tub of Determiners and its types with examples. Textual exercise

Social Science: Geography Water

  Topic: Water Topic Covered:  Water Scarcity, Conservation of Water Resources Useful links:  Video_1 Video_2 Video_3 Content analysis:  Q.1 Explain the reasons of water scarcity? Q.2 What are the Impact of Water Scarcity? Q.2 Explain the methods of Conservation of Water Resources.

Hindi Ch - आर्यों का हिन्दुस्तान आगमन ( 30/7/21) 8 A, B

  DATE- 27/7/21 DAY- TUESDAY GRADE- 8 B  Topic Taught-  आर्यों का हिन्दुस्तान  आगमन Ch reading and textbook exercise done. Homework- नए शब्द और प्रश्न उत्तर ,उत्तर पुस्तिका में लिखें    DATE- 30/7/21 DAY- FRIDAY GRADE- 8 A Topic Taught-  आर्यों का हिन्दुस्तान  आगमन Ch reading and textbook exercise done. Homework- नए शब्द और प्रश्न उत्तर ,उत्तर पुस्तिका में लिखें                         नए शब्द  अनुदित -    अनुवाद किया हुआ  कुटुंब -       परिवार  पुश्त -        पीढ़ी  मुद्दत -        काफी लम्बे समय तक  तादाद -      संख्या  हिफाज़त - देखभाल करना 

Grade:8A,B, "Art & Craft" ,Topic:"African Tribal Painting",Dt.24/7/2021,virtual class


Social Science: Geography: Water

  Topic: Water Topic Covered: Introduction to chapter                           Diagnosis Test  Useful link:  Rivers of India map                       Power of water                      Distribution of water on earth Content analysis: Q.1 Explain the distribution of water on earth. Q.2 Why only 1% of water is available for consumption? 

Sanskrit Ch- सदैव पुरतो निधेहि चरणम ( 8 A B )

  DATE - 20 / 7/ 21 DAY- TUESDAY GARDE-  8 A, B Topic Taught-  सदैव पुरतो निधेहि चरणम  Ch explanation done. Homework-   शब्द अर्थ और प्रश्न नंबर 2 उत्तर पुस्तिका में लिखें।                                     सरलार्थ  क) चल चल पुरतो निधेहि चरणम्। सदैव पुरतो निधेहि चरणम्॥  सरलार्थ : चलो, चलो। आगे कदम रखो। सदा ही आगे कदम रखो। (ख) गिरिशिखरे ननु निजनिकेतनम्। विनैव यानं नगारोहणम्॥ बलं स्वकीयं भवति साधनम्। सदैव पुरतो ……………………….. ॥ सरलार्थ :  निश्चय (निश्चित रूप) से पर्वत की चोटी पर अपना घर है। अतः बिना वाहन के ही पहाड़ पर चढ़ना है। (उस समय तो) अपना बल ही अपना साधन होता है। इसलिए सदा ही आगे कदम रखो। (ग) पथि पाषाणा विषमाः प्रखराः। हिंस्राः पशवः परितो घोराः॥ सुदुष्करं खलु यद्यपि गमनम्। सदैव पुरतो ……………………….॥ सरलार्थ :  रास्ते में विचित्र (अजीब) से नुकीले और ऊबड़-खाबड़ पत्थर तथा चारों ओर भयानक चेहरे और हिंसक व्यवहार वाले पशु घूमते हैं। (अत:) निश्चित रूप ...

Hindi Ch - प्रत्यय ( 8 B , A ) 23/7/21

  DATE - 20 / 7/ 21 DAY - TUESDAY GRADE - 8 B Topic Taught- प्रत्यय  DIGNOSTIC TEST  TAKEN Ch explanation done. Homework-      प्रत्यय  की परिभाषा और उसके भेदों के नाम लिखो।  Kindly complete workbook and upload on betweenus . DATE - 23/ 7/ 21 DAY -FRIDAY GRADE - 8 A Topic Taught-  प्रत्यय  DIGNOSTIC TEST  TAKEN Ch explanation done. Homework-       प्रत्यय  की परिभाषा और उसके भेदों के नाम लिखो।  Kindly complete workbook and upload on betweenus . DATE - 23 / 7/ 21 DAY -FRIDAY GRADE - 8 B Topic Taught-  प्रत्यय  ACHIEVMENT TEST  TAKEN Kindly complete workbook and upload on betweenus .  

Social Science: History Ch-2 :Beginning of Colonial Rule in India

 Topic: Beginning of Colonial Rule in India  Study material:  The regulating act 1773 Charter Act 1813 Charter Act 1833 Pitt's India Act 1784 law and judiciary Lord Cornwallis Code Content analysis: 1. Which act ended the Company’s trade with China?  2. Who maintained law and order when the British began to rule India?  3. Robert Clive took the earliest steps to purify the administration. (True or False)

English The Huck Meets The duke and The King

  Supplementary Reader      The Huck Meets The Duke and The King. Date- 19.07.21 Topics covered- Reading of the chapter and explanation. New Words 1.abriged 2.heaved 3.solemn 4.reckon 5.seized 6.exiled 7.humbugs Homework- Character sketch of Mark Twain. Q 1 Answer each of the following questions in 30-40 words.   a) Jim and the narrator were shocked when the young man solemnly and in confidence told them the secret of his birth. He said he was born a duke. b) The young man felt that though he was the rightful Duke of Bridgewater, he was forlorn, torn from his estate, degraded, hunted by men, despised by the cold world, tired and heart-broken. He felt that it was his fault for the kind of life he was leading. c) The young man said that he was the rightful Duke o...

Grade :8A,B,"Art & Craft" to 5 ,"Revision & Explain",Dt.17/7/2021,virtual class.

Hindi Gr Ch -संधि ( practice sheet)

Practice questions

ENGLISH Revision of Adjectives

  ADJECTIVES REVISION Q.1 Fill in the blanks. (heavy,live,tall,few,that,several,neither,every,long) 1.There are ______ boys in the field. 2.I like a _________ pen. 3.Its a _______ tree. 4.The ship sustained _______ damage. 5.It is the book ______ you gave me. 6.This is a _____ wire. 7.She has _____ hair. 8.I have read _____ book. Q.2 Fill in the blank with Comparative/Superlative form. 1.Is your father ____ now(well) 2.There is no animal _____ than the dog.(faithful) 3.June is _____ than April or May(hot) 4.Her condition is now ___than what it was.(bad) 5.She is _____ than her sister.(pretty)


  Revision of Pronouns Date- 5.7.21   Pronouns Revision worksheet.

Grade :8A,B, "Art & Craft",,Topic:"Spiral Design",Dt.3/7/2021,virtual class


Gujarati -Kaavya-2 Hind maata ne sambhodhan

 Subject -Gujarati- Topic -Kaavya-2 Hind maata ne sambhodhan Explained and written work in N.B  Date :22-6-21  

Computer - Open Office Base(8 A&B)

 Topic taught  :-  Creating database,Create tables,Insert rows,Delete rows,Queries.