Chapter 1. Where Love is, God is Date: 5.04.21 Topics taught: Reading of the chapter and explanation. Homework: Read the chapter. Date: 6.04.21 Topics taught: Explanation through audio clip. Date: 7.04.21 New words 1.infancy 2.monastery 3.distinctly 4.pawn 5.tattered 6.hoist Discussion of textual exercise Q.1 and Q.2 Date: 12.04.21 Topics taught: Textual exercise and workbook discussion. Answer key of textual exercise. Textual Answers : Q 1 Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. a) i. Martin is referred to as ‘he’ in the above extract. ii Martin looked at the street more than he worked because the previous night he had heard the voice of Jesus saying, “Look out into the street tomorrow, for I shall come.” iii Stepánitch lean...
The Last Leaf Date- 13/8/21 Topics Covered- Reading and explanation of the chapter. New words 1.congenial 2.swaggered 3.curative 4.satyr 5.derision 6.twilight Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. “She has one chance in-let us say, ten,” he said, as he shook down the mercury in his clinical thermometer, “and that chance is for her to want to live. Your little lady has made up her mind that she’s not going to get well. Has she anything on her mind?” Who is the ‘little lady’ mentioned in the text? The ‘little lady’ is Johnsy who is suffering from pneumonia. Why does the ‘little lady’ have just one in a ten chances of recovery? The little lady just has one in a ten chances of recovery because she has lost all her will to live and thus even the medicines fail to have any ...
A FISHY STORY Date- 2/9/21 Topics taught- Reading and explanation of the chapter. New words 1.minnows 2.gumption 3.bleakly 4.marvelled 5.clutched 6.shattered Date- 3/9/21 Topics taught- Discussion of textual exercise Textual Answers : 1. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. a) i. According to the people, all that is required to make a good fisherman is the ability to tell lies easily. ii. The twenty-five percent formula wouldn’t work well for the young man because the greatest number of fish he ever caught in one day was three, and one can’t add twenty-five per cent to three in fish. iii. When the twenty-five percent formula didn’t work, the young man would just double the quantity. iv. falsify b) ...