
Showing posts from June, 2020

VIII, Science: Crop Production and Management

30/6/2020 Crop production and Management  Discussion on worksheet HW - Complete your worksheet and upload on between us.

Eng The tea trail

The tea trail Explanation of How tea is manufactured and reach the market.

Eng- Gram- Genders

Eng- Gram- Genders  Points- * Explanation of chapters * Videos and ppt  H.w - * Watch videos and ppt 

Social Science: Ch: The Indian Constitution

PPT_ The Indian Constitution Topic Covered: 1. Introduction 2. Why does a country need constitution 3. A situation in Nepal 4. Examples of misuse of power. Content Analysis: 1. Why a country need constitution? (Ref: attached PPT) 2. When and who made the demand for a constituent assembly? (Ref: attached PPT) 3. Describe misuse of power with the help of a example. (Ref: attached PPT) 

Information regarding Heralding ROBOTICS

Sub: Heralding   ROBOTICS                                            Dear Parent,                             Greetings of the day!!                                                  In today’s fast paced changing scenario which is infused with so much technological advancement, it becomes essential for us to provide our children the best of technological experience. We are blessed to have our  own ROBOTICS Laboratory set up (exclusively for PODARITES) where the students will learn and gain exposure in practical use of science, technology, engineering and arithmetic. By teaching our students the basics of robotics, we open a whole new world to them and exciting opportu...

VIII, Science, Crop Production and Management

29/6/2020 Crop production and Management  Discussion on Exercise from textbook HW- Complete your exercise in your note book.

Hindi ch -- Samvaad lekhan


Social Science

Image Test conducted: via google form  Activity 2 in the class. (Water Footprint)

grade 8A ,B (virtual class) ,subject : ART & CRAFT,,"spiral design"


Science ,VIII, Crop Production and Management

26/6/2020 Crop Production and Management Points discussed: Nitrogen cycle Food from animals HW-1  Complete your worksheet  2 Complete your notes and notebook exercise

Computer: Ch- 6 : Internet Applications and Emerging Technologies

PPTX_1 Topic Covered: 1. Meaning of E-Commerce 2. Parties involve in E-commerce. 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of E-commerce 4. Categories of E-Commerce. Content analysis: 1. Explain the term E-commerce. 2. Explain 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of E-commerce. 3. Mention the categories of E-commerce. (For Ans. Ref: attached PPTX_1)  

Eng The tea trail

The tea trai For explanation see the link below

Hindi- Patra lekhan (anopachaarik)

Class - VIII  Date - २५//०६/२० Topic Taught - पत्र - लेखन (अनौपचारिक) Homework -- अपने मित्र /सखी  को ग्रीष्मावकाश की छुट्टियॉं अपने साथ बिताने के लिए पत्र, उत्तर - पुस्तिका में लिखें। 

Geography: Chapter: 3 (Water)

Water_2 PPT Topic Covered: 1. Conservation of Water 2. Merits and Demerits of Multi-Purpose Projects Content Analysis: 1. List some way to conserve water. (TB: P-22 & 23 : Conservation of Water) 2. Explain merits and demerits of Multi Purpose projects. (Ref: Attached PPT)

Geography: Chapter:3 (Water)

Water_PPT Topic Covered: 1. Distribution of Water in India 2. Multipurpose projects. 3. Water Scarcity & Reasons of Water Scarcity Content Analysis: 1. What are multipurpose projects?  (TB: P-20 :  Distribution of Water in India) 2. Explain the Reasons of Water Scarcity. (TB: P-21 & 22 : Water Scarcity)

Eng Message writing

Message writing Click on the below link for the PPT of message writing. Contents taught on 23/4/20. H.W. Worksheet Click on the below link

Math Answer Scheme of Class test of Ch-4 Exponents and Powers


Geography: Chapter:3 (Water)

Water_PPT Topic Covered: 1.Introduction 2. Distribution of Water on the Earth 3. Significance of Water Content Analysis: 1. List down the various uses of water. (TB: P-21: Significance of Water) 2. Give Reason: Distribution of water is uneven on the earth. (TB: P-19: Distribution of Water on the Earth)

Math Class Test Ch-4 Exponents and Powers 23/06/20


Grammar - Pronouns revision

Pronouns Definition and types of pronouns For PPT click on below link Worksheet discussion H.W.  Please complete the worksheet and upload it on betweenus.

VIII Science:Crop Production and Management

22/6/2020 Crop Production and Management Topics discussed: PPT on Categories of crops Food crops Cash crops  Zaid crops with examples HW-1) Define the above categories of crops.          2) Give 2 examples of the following Fibre crops Plantation crops  Kharif crops Rabi crops Cash crops    

Social Science Test

Test conducted on 22nd June, 2020 from Geography. Chapter: Land and Soil MM: 15 Time: 30 minutes Teacher: Ashwani Jha

grade 8A ,B (virtual class) ,subject : ART & CRAFT,"Grid perspective"


Important circular regarding international International yoga day


Important circular for International Yoga Day


PM's video message on international day of Yoga

Dear Parent,  Subject :PM’s video message on International Day of Yoga – 2020 It is a privilege to write against the backdrop of video message of Hon’ble Prime Minister to all participate in International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21st June 2020. In this regard, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India has developed and shared the links,as given below : i) Google Drive: ii) We Transfer: Prepare yourself and be there to do Yoga with the world.

Science.1.Crop Production and Management

19/6/2020 Virtual Online Class Ch.4,Metals and Nonmetals (Worksheet 1 , remaining discussion) Ch.1,Crop Production and Management (PPT) Points discussed: Cultivation of crops,                                  Agriculture,                                   Crops and Types of crops

Math Ch 7- Factorisation.

18/06/20 Topic Taught : Screening Test                                                Introduction to Factorisation. 1. Refer to Link 1 for Introduction to factors of algebraic expressions. Homework : Please complete the KWL chart in Math notebook. Questions of Screening test: 1. Write all the factors of 24. 2. Write the common factors of 72 and 36. 3. State the 4 Algebraic Identities. Homework Questions: 1. Write the common factors of the following. 19/06/20 Topic Taught :  Factorisation by taking common factors. 1. Refer to Link 2 and watch all the videos based on factorisation of algebraic expression  by taking a common factor. 2. Refer to Link 3 and solve the question based on factorisation by taking a common factor. Homework :  Please complete Ex 7.1 Q1,2(remaining questions) in your Math Notebook. 22/06/20 Topic Taught : Factor...

HIndi ch- anuched lekhan

Class - VIII  Date - १८/०६/२० Topic Taught - अनुछेद -लेखन  अनुछेद लेखन लिखते समय ध्यान देने योग्य बातें उत्तर पुस्तिका में लिखें।  SSD में दिए गए वीडियो ऑडियो को सुने।  Homework - download the worksheet OF CH 1-2, write answers  and then upload  it।  

The brook 18/06/20

The brook Discussion of textual answers Please refer to below link for answers H. W.  Prepare for test Ch where love is God is Poem The brook

SCIENCE 17/06/2020 Class detail and Homework

Science 17/06/2020 Virtual Online Classes Ch-4 Metals and Non-metals Topic Taught: Worksheet(today) Homework: Solve the worksheet 1(Workbook) from between us   and upload  on between us portal.

Subject: SCIENCE Date: 16/06/2020 CH -4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals Class detail and class homework

Subject: SCIENCE Date: 16/06/2020 VIRTUAL ONLINE CLASSES CH -4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals TOPIC TAUGHT: USES OF METALS & NON METALS( today ) Note: Watch VIDEO NO.6 from between us portal.  Solve worksheet 1 from the between us portal.( UPLOAD IT ON BETWEEN US AFTER COMPLETING) Solve Textual exercise Q.5,6 and 7 in the note book. HOME WORK: Q.1)Fill in the blanks: 1.Metals like _____  is used in making water pipes, in storage batteries, in making alloys and in paints. 2. _________ is used in thermometers. 3.__________   is used as a catalyst in many industrial processes as well as for electroplating and in the manufacture of stainless steel. 4.Radioactive metals like________ and _________are used in nuclear power plants to produce atomic energy. 5.________ and _________is used for making ammonia. 6. Liquid hydrogen is used as fuel in __________. 7._______ is used in the purification of water. 8.________ is used in making electronic components such as trans...

Eng -Where love is God is 16/06/20

Where love is God is Class work Discussed and writen  worksheet answers  H. W.  Please complete worksheet and upload on the betweenus

Summary of LS class dated 13/6/20

LIFE SKILLS- Grade 8A, 8B -Aavleen Bakshi (School Counselor)   Summary of LS class dated 13/6/20: ·         Rules of virtual class discussed. ·         Welcomed students who have newly joined school. ·         Introductory class about Life skills. ·         Definition and importance of LS explained. ·         Students shared how their life has changed since the Covid19 lockdown. ·         Discussed LS content sent during April and May- gratitude, empathy, cleanliness, meditation audio, Get well soon cards, thank you cards, lockdown diary. ·         Life skills students learnt during Covid19 lockdown- eg. Basic Cooking, sweeping, mopping, washing utensils, washing clothes, dusting, gardening, taking care of pet, helping fa...

Math Class Test : Algebraic Identities



SUBJECT:SCIENCE  15/06/2020 VIRTUAL ONLINE CLASSES CH-4 METALS AND NON-METALS TOPIC TAUGHT: Chemical properties of metal and non metal (contd..) Reaction with oxygen. Reaction with water. Reaction with acid. Reaction with base.( today ) Displacement reaction.( today ) NOTE: Watch VIDEO NO.5 from between us portal. TRY OUT to solve the WORKSHEET 1 given  in between us portal. TRY OUT to solve the TEXTUAL EXERCISE OBJECTIVE QUESTION IN TEXTBOOK ONLY  given  in between us portal. HOMEWORK: Q.1 fill in the blanks: 1.Metals do not react with __________such as ammonium chloride. 2.Some metals reacts with bases to produce ________ gas. 3.During _________ reaction, a more active metal displaces a less active metal from its salt solution. 4.Metals have been arranged in the decreasing order of reactivity in a series called as_______. Q.2 Answer the following : 1. Write the chemical reaction between iron  and copper sulphate. 2. Write the chemical reaction between zinc...

Music- Raag Gyan


grade 8 (virtual class) ,subject : ART & CRAFT, "Prisum painting"
