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SCIENCE PRACTICE QUESTIONS CLASS 8 . SECTION: - A Very Short type answer type questions (one marks each) 1. Name two Kharif crop. 1 2. What is carbonization? 1 3. Define Ignition temperature. 1 4. Name a liquid metal and non- metal. 1 5. What is flora? 1 Short answer type questions(02 Marks each) 6. What are endemic species? Give two examples. 2 7. What is habitat? Give name of two habitat used by Micro- organism. 2 8. Define Red data book and its importance. 2 9. What is pseudo podia? Write down its function. 2 10. What are endocrine glands? Name two endocrine glands. 2 Short answer type question(3 Marks each) 11. Write down three differences between manure and fertilizer. 3 12. Distinguish between Thermosetting...